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Balkans & Black Sea Forum 2018
Leadership | Economics | Synergies
30 May - 1 June 2018 | Athens, Greece
Nationality : Turkey

Mr. Arda Batu

Secretary General, TURKONFED (Turkish Business Confederation)
  • Speaker at Session/4: Women in Leadership, May 31st 2018


Mr. Batu is Secretary General of Turkish Enterprise and Business Confederation (TURKONFED), a non-governmental business organization, aiming to contribute to the development of regional, sectoral and national economic policies in Turkey.

TURKONFED represents over 40.000 companies, generating a business volume of 300 Billion dollars and creating more than 7 million jobs.

Arda previously held executive positions at regional consultancy companies, HB Consultancy Group and StratejiCo.

He serves on the executive board of Centre for Economics and foreign Policy Studies (EDAM), advisory board of Co-opionion, and the editorial board of Turkish Policy Quarterly.


Female Labor Force Participation in Turkey and How to Improve It

- Female labor force participation in Turkey and how to improve it; facts and policy recommendations from TURKONFED’s latest Women in Business report

- In a nutshell, what do we do (as TURKONFED) to promote women in business